Nature Cat.

Nature Cat

The Parade of Pets; Hal's Pals

The crew needs to find a way to pull parade floats when Nature Cat forgets to put gas in the tractors; the gang searches for Hal's pond pals. (30 minutes)

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Mon, 4/29 at 3:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Tally Ho, A Volcano!; No Rest for the Squeeky

Nature Cat and his pals learn about a volcano; Squeeks wants to stay up all night. (30 minutes)

Mon, 4/29 at 11:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Tally Ho, A Volcano!; No Rest for the Squeeky

Nature Cat and his pals learn about a volcano; Squeeks wants to stay up all night. (30 minutes)

Tue, 4/30 at 11:30 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Window Worries; The Pinecone Genie

Brooks the Baltimore oriole flies into Sadie's window; the crew wish there were no more wolves so they can enjoy a day at Mystic Pinecone Park. (30 minutes)

Wed, 5/1 at 11:30 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Rock Clues; Sweet Scent

Squeeks needs to find her missing magnifying glass in time for the Rock Stars Club meeting; the gang tracks down a sweet scent. (30 minutes)

Wed, 5/1 at 3:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Nature Dance Party; Bad Dog Bart Jr.

Nature Cat must find music made by nature for the Nature Dance Party; Nature Cat's new toy goes missing. (30 minutes)

Wed, 5/1 at 11:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

Nature Dance Party; Bad Dog Bart Jr.

Nature Cat must find music made by nature for the Nature Dance Party; Nature Cat's new toy goes missing. (30 minutes)

Thu, 5/2 at 11:30 am on Austin PBS HDTV

Agents of the Great Outdoors; The Nature-tastic Four

Nature Cat and the gang help deliver a possum's letter to his wife in the big city; the crew must stop an evil gerbil from stealing the sunset. (30 minutes)

Thu, 5/2 at 3:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

The Leaf Fairy; Midge Over Troubled Water

The gang searches for the Leaf Fairy; Nature Cat's waterskiing stunts are interrupted by a swarm of bugs. (30 minutes)

Thu, 5/2 at 11:30 pm on Austin PBS Kids

The Leaf Fairy; Midge Over Troubled Water

The gang searches for the Leaf Fairy; Nature Cat's waterskiing stunts are interrupted by a swarm of bugs. (30 minutes)